- a wonderful loving husband that tells me several times a day how beautiful I am and that he loves me and I know that he truly means it
- Happy children that play nicely together
- a quiet moment where I can think a whole thought through to the end without being interrupted
- genuine laughter
- my children one on one to talk about thier day, their likes/dislikes, so that I can really see them and who they are without any sibling rivalry
- missing teeth grins!!
- a fresh bunch of flowers from my sweetheart
- leaving Costco without spending more than $100!!!
- a beautiful 4 bedroom home
- a wonderful homecooked meal that my family all enjoy
- healthy competition
- second grade humour
- a warm cup of hot chocolate on a cold frosty morning
- my child receiving an award for respect at school 2 years in a row
- my child receiving an award for fairness and being too shy to go up on the stage to receive it and a wonderful teacher that took him up anyways so that he could be recognized. Thank you Mrs. Glassett.
- my child working his tail off and improving his math percentage by 10% in just 1 semester and doubling his reading words per minute in half a year!!
- waking up before the alarm clock shocks me into reality
- sleeping in on a saturday morning
- a month without a car repair bill!!
- school schedules
- summer break with the kids
- wonderful friends
- fabulous parents and parents in law
- General Conference
- a day that is planned and executed perfectly
- Living within an hour of the Temple
- Date night!
- My kids telling me that I am the best Mom ever and not just so they can get a candy
- clean bedrooms
- Happiness
- kindness
- good examples that inspire me
The Castleton Family
Monday, February 6, 2012
A few of my favorite things...
My daughter Addison is in a cute little singing group which she absoultely loves. She is always walking around just singing the songs that she is learning or making up some song of her own, it really is quite funny sometimes. Well at least until she starts to rhyme with "lucky", you can imagine my horror with some of the words that she comes up with!!!! Anyhoo...one of the songs that she is singing is from "The Sound of Music"called my favorite things...you know the one "raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...."well, this year I am trying to be more positive and grateful for the blessings that I have instead of what I don't have. Truly deep down I know that I am so richly blessed and so here are a few of my favorite things....
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I am still here!!!!
I know it has been sooo long since I last posted but I feel like I am now at the stage in life that I can submit a post every now and again. Here are some updated pictures of the kiddos. Preston is 7, Braden is 5, almost 6 and Addison is 4, I will post a better picture of Addi soon. so what have we been doing these past three years I hear you ask??? Living life to the fullest. I will give a quick synposis of the kids and start fresh from here.
Preston is 7 and will be getting Baptized April 6th this year. I am so excited for him and the decisions he is making. He is a truly wonderful boy with lots of enthusiasm for life. He is in 2nd grade and is a super duper student. He is a great little reader and has a passion for math. He played his first soccer season this past year and loooooved it, I think that is seriously my favorite sport to watch with kids. He is playing Basketball right now. He is growing fast and loving life as he does.
Braden is 5, will turn 6 February 21st. He started Kindergarten this year and just loves it. He is also a super duper student, he has a very keen mind and an entusiasm for learning. He is a fun, spunky kid and answers to "Bam Bam"! I will let you figure that one out!! He does not like to be in the limelight and is loving following in the footsteps of his older brother in sports. I still love to pinch his cute little chunky cheeks!
Addi is 4 and is attending preschool which she just loves. She is extremely creative, smart and adventurous. She will never be left behind by her big brothers. She loves anything to do with dolls or crafts and she just loves to pretend play, sing and rhyme. She just started a great singing and dancing group called singers company. She loves to Golf with her Daddy and ride on his push cart a.k.a the horsey, she is daddy's cowgirl!
Other than that, I plan to post an update at least once a month. We are all doing great! Life is full but wonderful
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Home Sweet Home

We were fortunate enough to go back to Bonnie Scotland this past week and a half...we had so much fun seeing family and even meeting some new cousins, even though they are 7 and 4!! The weather was awesome, it only rained twice, it actually even snowed for us a little our first morning. We were able to go to St Andrews (Aaron played the Old Course a dream come true), Edinburgh (on the train and double decker bus), and Stirling. What a great trip...thanks for helping us get there Mum and Dad! The kids all had a fabulous time, and so did we...now if I could get them used to being back on California time, it would be great...I have had about enough of waking up at 3am! However, it is great when they go to bed at 6pm without any complaint!
Monday, September 22, 2008
3 Little Monkeys!!
Final Year!!
OK...So obviously I am not really good at keeping my blog updated, I will try to be better...really though not much has changed. We are back in Claremont again for the third and final year of Aarons Law School experience. I will be sad to leave this ares though since there is so much to do here. I mean you really can't complain when you live within 30 minutes of Disneyland (3 hours if you hit traffic, but thats another story!!), 30 minutes of the beach, great shopping, and some great parks to play at.
Our biggest event is this past weekend when Aaron was gone in Kentucky for the Ryder Cup. For all you non golfers out there that is where USA plays Europe in a 3 day golf tournament. We ahev great friends, Nate and Amy Craig who live there and so he was hooked up with some free tickets to go watch on saturday. We do't have any pictures of the players or anything since he was not allowed to take his phone or a camera into the tournament, but he had a great time.
We had a lot of fun here too. Friday we went to Disneyland, saturday we played at the park and then went to McDonalds for dinner and played on their great play area with some other friends, Amy and Shane.
Other news....Preston started Preschool a few weeks ago at the Claremont Baptist Nursery School on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for 3 hours. He has a great teacher, Mrs Davila, and some great kids in his class. He has laready learned so much in the three weeks that he has been going. He really looks forward to going to school each week. It is so much fin to hear about all the fun things he does each day and to be able to help him solidify all these things in his mind and help with homework. What a big bboy he is.
Braden has started potty training. He is doing great. He just wants to be a big boy like his brother so bad. It is adorable that he admires him so much. When Preston is at school, Braden is so upset and wants to go with him. He sees him having all this fun and just wants so bad to go. He tells me" I no cry, I go to school too!" So cute.
Addison, well she is Addison, feisty as ever. She is a happy little girl and so much fun to be around. I can't beleive that she is 17 months already....wow where did that time go. She is a little peanut and just is so active chasing her brothers, because she is not being left behind in anything, that even though she eats all day, she is only in the 2nd percentile for her weight. We have to add butter to everything she eats and powdered breakfast to her milk to bulk her up a little.
We are greatful for our three little munchkins that keep us busy and doing good things!
Our biggest event is this past weekend when Aaron was gone in Kentucky for the Ryder Cup. For all you non golfers out there that is where USA plays Europe in a 3 day golf tournament. We ahev great friends, Nate and Amy Craig who live there and so he was hooked up with some free tickets to go watch on saturday. We do't have any pictures of the players or anything since he was not allowed to take his phone or a camera into the tournament, but he had a great time.
We had a lot of fun here too. Friday we went to Disneyland, saturday we played at the park and then went to McDonalds for dinner and played on their great play area with some other friends, Amy and Shane.
Other news....Preston started Preschool a few weeks ago at the Claremont Baptist Nursery School on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for 3 hours. He has a great teacher, Mrs Davila, and some great kids in his class. He has laready learned so much in the three weeks that he has been going. He really looks forward to going to school each week. It is so much fin to hear about all the fun things he does each day and to be able to help him solidify all these things in his mind and help with homework. What a big bboy he is.
Braden has started potty training. He is doing great. He just wants to be a big boy like his brother so bad. It is adorable that he admires him so much. When Preston is at school, Braden is so upset and wants to go with him. He sees him having all this fun and just wants so bad to go. He tells me" I no cry, I go to school too!" So cute.
Addison, well she is Addison, feisty as ever. She is a happy little girl and so much fun to be around. I can't beleive that she is 17 months already....wow where did that time go. She is a little peanut and just is so active chasing her brothers, because she is not being left behind in anything, that even though she eats all day, she is only in the 2nd percentile for her weight. We have to add butter to everything she eats and powdered breakfast to her milk to bulk her up a little.
We are greatful for our three little munchkins that keep us busy and doing good things!
Monday, June 16, 2008
No we are not Pregnant!
Ok..So I totally made a booboo in the last post about having 4 under 4....that is not an announcement...just a bad mistake....sorry!
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